How to Convert Hosted AdSense account to Fully approved Normal AdSense account - Your Source for Crypto News and Job Opportunities"

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How to Convert Hosted AdSense account to Fully approved Normal AdSense account

Hello, all! First of all, I wish you a very happy and prosperous new year. I hope everyone are doing well with their blogs/websites. In this new year, here comes my first article about AdSense upgrade. Today we are going to discuss a topic about upgrading or converting your hosted AdSense account to normal or fully approved AdSense account. Everyone knows how to get approved for hosted AdSense account and how to get an Adsense approval i.e., fully hosted one, but few of them are not aware of getting upgraded to fully approved AdSense account from hosted one. So, I am going to explain you the differences between hosted AdSense account and normal AdSense account. At the same time, I will explain you the procedure to convert your hosted AdSense account to normal AdSense account.

Differences between Hosted Adsense Account and Non-hosted Adsense Account (Fully approved)

Both hosted AdSense account and non-hosted AdSense account has one major difference. The difference is as follows.
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Hosted AdSense account

Day by day google AdSense is becoming smart. They have modified and included many terms and conditions regarding AdSense approval and usage of accounts. Before times, we have the option to use hosted AdSense account on Blogspot, youtube and via third party sites, we are using it in site/website. But, now it is totally changed. Now, it is not possible to use hosted AdSense account in websites (Example: See the difference below.
The AdSense account that got approved via the third party hosted partnered sites such as YouTube, Blogspot or Hubpages. That mean if you got an AdSense approval using these third party sites, you cannot use this AdSense account to show ads on any other domain name or site. Adsense hosted account is an account, where you can display ads only on Youtube, Blogspot, HubPages (sites which let you apply for an AdSense and use ad code on that domain itself). This is the actual working of hosted AdSense account as of now.

Non-Hosted (or) Fully Approved normal AdSense Account

Fully approved AdSense is also known as non-hosted AdSense or a normal AdSense account.  Normal Adsense account is nothing but upgrade version of hosted-AdSense account which is approved via non-hosted partnered sites such as sites/domains which are owned by you. Example, This Fully approved AdSense account can be used on any sites/domain which are owned by you.
This is the only difference between the non-hosted or normal AdSense account and the hosted AdSense account.
I hope you have got a clarity between hosted AdSense account and non-hosted AdSense account. If you have any doubts regarding this topic let me know in your comments.

How to find out that the account is hosted or fully approved AdSense?

Well, many of them will buy AdSense accounts from others without knowing whether it is hosted one or fully approved AdSense. Also, most of them are not aware which account can be used on which platforms. Fine! We can easily identify the hosted AdSense account as the account itself shows the label as hosted account. Below image is the screenshot of hosted AdSense account.
Whereas, the fully approved AdSense account will not show any label as shown in the image below. In this below image, there is no label of hosted account or anything. This type of account can be said as fully approved normal AdSense account where you can use it on websites/blogs.

How to Convert Hosted AdSense account to Normal AdSense account

Well, You’ve to remove the label on hosted AdSense account in order to show ads on any other site/domain. The label removal is nothing but upgrading or converting hosted AdSense account to fully approved normal AdSense account.

Before upgrading the account, you have to remember few points

To upgrade Adsense hosted account to normal account, you need a quality website. Because Google is not going to approve any spammy blog or the one with poor content or copied content. I have written a complete detailed article with tips and tricks before applying for Adsense. Here are some quick tips you must follow before requesting Google to upgrade your Adsense hosted account to normal account.
  • Add important pages in your blog like: About us, Privacy Policy, Contact Us
  • You must be 18+. So Make sure to use the payee name same as on your bank account
  • Apply using a top level domain like .com , .net, .org
  • Write quality content and optimize it for search engines
  • See that your website is loading fast. If not, optimize it.
Now, let us discuss the procedure to convert AdSense hosted to AdSense non-hosted account.
You may also be interested in this article. 30+ Best Google AdSense Alternatives.

Step 1

Sign into your Google AdSense accounts with the same email id which you are using for hosted account.

Step 2

As you can gear icon on the top right side. Click on it and go to settings as shown in the image below.

Step 3

In the left sidebar, you can find Access and authorization option. Click on it.

Step 4

In the “Show ads on other websites” section, enter the URL of the site where you plan to show ads and then click on Submit.

Step 5

After submission, you have to implement ad code on the website which you have provided in step 4. If you don’t know about ad creation. Watch the below video.

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