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How to Increase Adsense CPC – Simple Tips

Most of the bloggers try Google Adsense as one of the first money making program in their career. For some, still it works good and remain as their main income source, including me.  It is really a great, hassle free and solid CPC (Cost Per Click) money making program you can try without any issues. Unfortunately it’s not so easy now and it’s not working as how it used to work 5 years ago. Things have changed, readers are smart enough to know which one is advertisement and which one is your link. If really they do not have interest and intention to click  ads, as bloggers we do not have much option and control.  Making 10 dollars daily from Adsense should be the first target for any new bloggers to achieve.  Here I discuss and show you how to make 10 dollars per day from Adsense.
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This post was firstly published on FEBRUARY 17, 2011, and updated 14th January 2015.
There are specific requirements I will be suggesting below based on my 6 years experience with Google Adsense. I’m not going to say how to create a website to make 10 dollars per day or how to select the topic for that.  I’m going to say what are the requirements to make 10 dollars per day from your existing blog (or even the new blog you are going to start) from Google Adsense.
Before dive deep in to the matter, see the below screenshot.
You must be say ‘Wow’  by now, that’s right. 1 click brings more than 10$, it is from my Google analytics dashboardThat indicates Google Adsense still works and there are high potential topics/keywords in the market which can bring higher CPC earnings.  So your task should be very easy in making 10$ per day from Adsense.
This is the power of Google Adsense. Your blog’s topic and traffic source country play major roles in the Adsense earnings, I will be covering them below.

Understand The Terms

There are few measurements in Google Adsense, like CTR (Click Through Rate), CPC ( Cost Per Click) and RPM ( Revenue per Thousand impressions). CTR and CPC are individual factor while RPM is a collective measurement.  That means, if you are getting good CPC and CTR, you will have a good RPM. In other case if you have a good CPC but very bad CTR, then the RPM will be less. So, RPM is the ultimate factor to see whether your blog is doing good with Google Adsense ( of course you must consider increasing the CPC and CTR all the time which will directly increase the RPM).
So, what is RPM?  it means how much money your blog  is making from 1000 page views .
If you are making 8$ from 2000 Page views daily, then your RPM is 4$ ( 8 x 1000/2000).  We will be connecting the RPM and discuss how to make 10 dollars from Adsense below.  The RPM can be different for each type of blog, for example, technology, news, entertainment, free stuff, financing and education etc.… blogs will have different RPM ( because the CPC and CTR would be different for each blogs).
I would say 3.5$ RPM is reasonable and you should target more than that. If you are making 2 to 3 $ RPM, then you should spend more time to increase the RPM to 3.5$ or more dollars.

The Math to Earn 10 Dollars per Day from Adsense

So, if we assume 3.5$ RPM, you will make 3.5$ from every 1000 Page views daily.  To get 10$ per day from Adsense , let us multiply this by 3 (even though it will reach 10.50$) to get 10$ round figure per day. That means, your blog has to generate 3000 page views per day to make 10$ per day from Google Adsense.
Is it a difficult job to make 3000 page views per day?…It will look tough for any new bloggers and even for the old bloggers who are struggling generate the good traffic for their blogs.
Let me break down the 3000 Page Views per day like below,
  • 30 articles on your blog which can generate 100 PVs per day
  • 60 articles which can generate 50 PVs per day
  • 120 articles which can generate 25 PVs per day.
Do you think article numbers are increasing, then how about this?
  • 15 articles which can generate 200 PVs per day,
  • OR just 3 killer articles which can generate 1000 PVs per day.
It’ your decision to target a suitable scenario for you.
At the end we need genuine 3000 page views daily to make 10 dollars per day from Google Adsense assuming the RPM is 3.5$ and very importantly your blog is meeting following requirements.

Other Factors to Decide on How to Earn 10 Dollars per Day from Adsense

1) Your niche and keywords are very important.

Your blog should have high or reasonably paying keywords. Though we can’t say what is the best CPC amount, but I would say you should make sure your average CPC is higher than 0.25$.  If you are targeting higher CPC keywords, then this rate will be higher so the RPM too. In my experience anything related to ‘Free’ will not bring good CPC.
You do not need to start a blog or straightaway target these keywords to increase the Adsense CPC ( it is very tough actually), but you can get an idea which topic can bring good CPC to make 10 dollars from Adsense per day by seeing above image.
Google adwords keyword planner is another free resource to find out the CPC of your relevant keyword. I have already published a guide in below link, highly recommended to read this post.

2) Your blog may require around 2100 PVs via search engines daily.

Organic traffic is very important to make money from Adsense.  Assuming the average search engine traffic for a blog should be somewhere around 70%. So out of our required 3000 PVs per day, the 70% is 2100 PVs.
You must make sure around 70% of your daily traffic is coming via search engines. Because these are the users new for your blog and may click yours ads.

3) Use above the fold ad placement

No matter how many ads you are using in your blog, make sure at least one ad is placed above the fold. ‘Above the fold’ is the place a visitor sees without scrolling down in internet browser. I think the ads with 300×250 or 336×260 size below the head line and above (or wrapped by) the content works better for higher CTR and RPM.

Google serves high paying ads to the ad slot which is loading first in a blog. So, make sure to utilize this ad slot well to earn your 10 dollars daily from Adsense.

4) Geographical Traffic Source is Very Important

Even if your blog is meeting above all requirements, but not getting the readers from specific countries (where normally CPC and Adsense ads are different and highly targeted), then the CPC will be less and your intention to make 10$ per day would not be achieved.  Clicks from some countries, like USA, Canada, UK, Australia pay much higher than other south Asian countries. So, even if your blog is getting 3000 PVs from Google daily, but the majority of  traffic is coming from south Asian countries, then I doubt you will get the 3.5$ RPM rate.
So, target a topic which can attract all readers from around the world.
 2100 daily visits via search engines can be different for each blog depending on the content, ad placement and niche/keyword selection. If you have high paying keywords and getting good search engine traffic from around the world ( mainly USA), then may be two or three clicks will be enough to earn 10 dollars daily.
Whatever I have mentioned here is just an estimate to understand the requirement to make 10 dollars per day from Adsense.
Do share your thoughts about this estimate. If you are making daily 10 dollars from Adsense, do compare your state and share your opinion below.

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